1,right to not being object of discrimination,
2, right to the life, the freedom and the security of the person,
3, prohibition of the slavery and the servitude.
4, prohibition of the torture and the cruel, cruel and degrading treatments.
5, right to the recognition of the legal personality and to the equality before law.
6, rights of the justiciable: right to an effective resource before a competent court, right to not being object of arbitrary halting, right to an independent and impartial, right court to a judicial, right attendance to the presumption of innocence, right to be judged without retroactive effect.
7, right to not being object of interferences in the deprived life.
8, right to the asylum.
9, right to a nationality and freedom to change it.
10, right to the protection of the family. II The civil and political liberties
11, liberties of thought, belief and religion.
12, liberties of opinion and expression.
13, liberties of pacific meeting and association.
14, freedom of circulation and residence in the own country and to leave and to return by own will, 15, freedom of political participation.
My opinion is that any person has right to the same thing that another person gives just as she is of different country, color, has other thoughts and to cualquir economic situation.
the human rights must be respected in quealquir situation and gives equal what always happens must be respected by the person.