Wednesday, June 27, 2007

MeMoRiAs De IdHuN

Memories of idhun is a trilogy written by laura gallego garcia, first is called the resistance; second triada and the third pantheon the resistance: in this book jack (the protagonist) is united to the resistance led by alsan and shail, first is the heir to the throne of vanisar and horseman of nurgon and the other is a magician, after kirtash kills to its parents Jack knows victory by which it feels something special, around the plot is known the truth on jack and because kirtash I kill them. Triada: in this book the resistance counts on a very powerful ally (kirtash), the son of Ashran (governing of idhun), in this Celestial, feéricos book the war between, Ganti, Giants, humans, Varus, Yan (although the celestial ones and yan them do not put in the war) and sihz and shek. Pantheon: in this book the hot bloods have won the battle, but gerde now is seventh, or rather seventh, and has in its power unicornio of victory, which nondoubt in using to create more magicians.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


dogma: two angels (Bartleby and Loki) are expulset of the paradis. if this angels are go to the Roman Catholic Church, Bethany is the enviaded of god for stop this angels.Bethany will possess for his mission the help of the decimotercer apostle, Rufus, of Serendipity and of two prophets, Jay and Bob the silent one.

the actors:
Ben Affleck (Bartleby / Barry)
Matt Damon (Loki / Larry)
Linda Fiorentino (Bethany Sloane)
Jason Lee (Azrael)
Alan Rickman (Metatron)
Salma Hayek (Serendipity)
George Carlin (Cardenal Ignatius Glick)
Jason Mewes (Jay)
Kevin Smith (Silent Bob)
Chris Rock (Rufus, el 13º Apostle)
Alanis Morissette (god)
Janeane Garofalo (Liz).


the group landevir is one group of music folk this gruop from of Alicante(spain)

the priemr name of landevir was RIVENDELL, in the honor of "the lord of ring"

If it had not been by Carlos who happened itself to him to put a violin, to landevir nonserious what is today, at the outset the components said that him the pot had gone away, but this I teach a disc to him of mago of oz., and another one of ñu and convinced them
But soon they changed it by landevir.
there are songs to landevir that they have to do with the lord of the ring (moria and the unico)

my favorits songs of landevir:

-solo tu(single your)
-el unico(the only one)
-caballero de paz(peace horseman)
-ultima oportunidad(the last opportunity)
-tiempos oscuros(darkness times)
-hasta el final(until the end)

Friday, June 08, 2007


it is thought that the merovingios they were descending of magdalena Maria and Jesus, is therefore by who many historians you think that grial santo is not a glass, but the real blood (sang-real, that is to say, descending of Jesus.

in the book of the da vinci code the history of this dynasty is counted, since they were the founders of Paris, until nowadays single they are left two branches, plantard and the Saint-clear.

the merovingios

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

ars amandi

the grup ars amandi is the grup the created of the rock castellano. the founder is Dani Aller, which touches the dolçaina, the Castilian woodpecker and simultaneously he is the singer.

in one song of disc en tierra firme, in this disc have the song of no queda sino batirnos and escuchando al corazon.

Formación original (1996 - 2004)
Alberto del Río - Bajo
El Pelusa - drums

2º formation (2004 - 2005)
Dani Aller - song
Paco Moreno - Guitar
Iñigo - Guitar
Peri - Bajo (actual bajo de Mägo de Oz)
Teto Viejo - drums

3º formation (2005 - 2006 )
Dani Aller - song
Paco Moreno - Guitar
Iñigo - Guitar
Fernando Mainer - Bajo
Teto Viejo - drums

4 formation (2006- )
Dani Aller - song
Paco Moreno - Guitar
Teto Viejo - drums

Manuel Seoane - Guitar
David A. Noisel - Bajo

Autóctono - 2003
En Tierra Firme - 2004
Camino al Destino - 2005
Desterrado Entre Sueños - 2006

the information was extracted of wikipedia

Sunday, June 03, 2007

descubriendo nunca jamas

this film Johnny narrates in that I inspire Sir James Matthew Barrie (johnny deep) to never create the world of neverland.In this one movie returns to demonstrate the talent of johnny deep.

sir james Matthew barrie ispired in the son of Sylvia Llewelyn Davi, peter and pan the good griego of the wood.

james it was not successful in its works, but with Peter bread it obtained great obacion of criticizes it