Jose Martinez I coil (La Paz, Bolivia-2/6/1971), he is Madrilenian of adoption, it begins to touching the battery in a scholastic group with 14 years and when the singer of the group changes of school he is Jose who replaces to him the delay of which they replace to him. It is then when it begins to glimpse by the vocal capacity that it has. It has first contact with mägo of oz when it waits for in a park a concert of the Ñu and appear called teloneros Mägo of oz that cause a very positive sensation to him. Two weeks later Txus the battery of Mägo of oz appears in the academy where Jose works as song professor. The group looks for some surpassed student and Jose comments to him that he has that surpassed student, the same one; he makes one proves and next he happens to comprise of the band
In year 1,988 Txus Di fellatio, which at that time it had left the discipline of the Real Madrid C.F.-al that belonged from 1,980 -, alternated its passion by soccer with its love affairs towards any type of pentagrama. Educated from very early age to appreciate all type of music - at the age of 6 years already Zarzuela listened, Opera and Sound tracks of films in a moment were seduced by the Heavy Metal and Celta Music.
JORGE SALAN: Jorge was born in Madrid in April of 1982. With eight years, it initiates his studies of solfeo and classic guitar With hardly twenty years Jorge Salan, has released like the capable and original most innovating musician of the new scene of the Spanish Rock with its album debut. Noveles has collaborated in bands has recorded the guitars of several subjects of the disc "Kailash" of the German singer of progressive rock Hubi Meisel-In the disc in solitaire of the singer of Mägo de Oz, Jose Andrea, Where the heart takes to you ", besides to record the guitars, it lately worked like arreglista in some songs, has participated in discs of Savia and Eden Lost and in the direct ones of Danny Vaughn (Tyketto) and in the American group Danger
MOHAMED: Carlos is the violinista of the group and contributes I touch celtas mohamed was of the first components of the group. Its instruments Pebble has been the violin is called Carlos, was born in Madrid 30 d July of the 69, this married for 4 years although not yet it has children. The one of Mohamed comes from mote of a friend who said that he had Moor face. He is glad and very optimistic. Music comes to him from family, his father is composer and is the one who inculcó in this world. It has studied in a conservatory and it has left 2 years to finish the violin race, the superior level, wants to finish it someday.
defines like optimist and positive and with much inner world. He began to touch the guitar by his account soon and, with the help of some classes. He has studied decoration, design of interior and has made many projects own.
CARLITOS: Juan is called Carlos Marín Lopez, was born in Madrid 6 of October of the 65, this married and has a daughter. One defines as good person, calm, hogareña and very familiar. It with his brother has studied guitar in an academy but 50% single. It studied until the 17 years but his father passed away and had to put itself to work until he was put in a factory of packing, there knew Charlie (old solista) and he commented a good day to him that if its group needs a guitarist, so he was has to test and they took it. It touched for the first time in the 92 in the Fun Club, Tree-lined avenue.
KISKILLA: Sergio Cisneros "Kiskilla", therefore calls in row plan the leader to him of the Madrilenian band Mägo of oz. Been born in Granada, Sergio Cisneros Kiskilla "entered in Mägo de Oz. During the disc Gaia I where he recorded the keyboards and he accompanied to them in the tour. Since then the jovial Sergio is not had separated of them. Jose Ändreas has often affirmed "Hoarse like an animal, but it is the best teclista than I have listened in my life". Sergio came from the famous group of folk "Labanda" where he composed "a Way of Beer" versionate by "the Bald one" in "Mills". His he completes recording has been for the disc Gaia II "the Sleepy Voice", of which this being great successful between I publish of Spain and Latin America. At the moment is turning like a wheel in the Gaia the mouth tour 2006 and also 2007, and it is itself immersed in the composition of his first disc in solitaire: Marine heart, where it promised: "they will be let see all my roots
FERNANDO: Fernando Ponce of Leon touches the Flauta Travesera, Castilian whistle, the gaita and whistle. I get up myself to the Mägo of oz in 2000 next to Sergio Cisneros (Kiskilla)
PERI: Its name is the bear of the group is Pedro Diaz Blacksmith is bearish reputing that has comprised, among others, of Gangsters, Poncho K and Ars Amandi. Low one and professor of the directors of "Sur"(Usera) Musical comedy
MAGO DE OZ: First disc of the group (1993): A disc with songs based more on Rock'n melódico Roll than in heavy. It contains the songs that in the following one will be voverán to record with a metalero touch. It is worth the trouble to emphasize the particular voice of Juanma and the quality of songs like "el lago" or "mago de oz".
Jesus de Chamberí was the second disc of Magician of oz, in which the arrival from the Mesías to the Madrid of Century XXI is narrated. An opera rock in which they move away to something of heavy metal. Several of their successes like homónima leave here "Jesus de Chamberí" and "Until your death separates to us". In addition, throughout the album diverse critics to the Catolica Church and its doctrines become.
LA BRUJA: For this disc (1997) the best subjects of the previous version were chosen to record them with a greater quality (as much in average as in music). The time of the disc is reduced but it wins almost in everything.
the leyenda de la mancha. In it is continued with the style of opera of the Spot is the third album of the Spanish group Mägo of rock that showed in their previous CD. This time its inspiration was the magical world of the Quijote, of Miguel of Cervantes
FINISTERRA: Finisterra is the fifth disc of the Spanish group Mägo of oz, a double CD with which the band broke its silence of 3 years, contains several of the most popular songs of the group, like Pagan Celebration, Until the body holds, The one that it wants to understand that it understands, the Dance of the Fire or Santa Compañia
FOLKTEGEIST: He is recopilatorio where their better songs reunen until that moment.
GAIA: In 2003 they embark in the project to make three albums that will compose the trilogy of Gaia: first with title "Gaia", that was sent that same year to the market. With thematic of the Courteous one and the conquest of the Spaniards to the Aztecs, this disc the Coast of Silencio "and" the Wind rose "were come off simple". Mägo de Oz has made several concerts in South America. Nevertheless, this disc did not please to many of his fans, because it relegated to the guitars and it threw more to the Hard Rock that to the Heavy Metal.
BELFAST: For the 2004, the band returns to the study to record what sixth record plate would be his: "Belfast", in honor to the Irish city of the same name, because it has been place of religious conflicts. This disc, sent after "Gaia" but before the true successor of the mentioned one, is a compilation of some subjects of previous productions; for example, Soul (of the disc "Gaia") has orquestales adjustments, is included, in addition, a version metal of "the Wind rose", among others.