this is the last book of saga of harry potter in this book harry and voldemort have a last fight
the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows are: the varita of Elder, the Stone of Resurreción and the layer of invisibility, harry potter have the layer of invisbility.
lord voldemort wants the varita of elder because it thinks that asi will be able to overcome Harry.
what but pain gives me of the book is the death of snape, cries by its death.
this last book have 636 page and the last is very very good
the end of this book for my opinion is a very shit, because everys book they finish equal.
the mortifagos:
lord voldemort
lucius malfoy
severus snape
draco malfoy
Bagman, Loduvic
Black, Regulus
Carrow, Alecto
Carrow, Amycus
Crouch, Barty (jr.)
Dolohov, Antonin
Dolohov, Antonin
Greyback, Fenrir
Karkarov, Igor
Lestrange, Bellatrix Black
Lestrange, Rabastan
Lestrange, Rodolphus
Macnair, Walden
Pettigrew, Peter "Colagusano"
Rookwood, Augustus
Rosier, Evan
the order of phoenix:
Black, Sirius
Delacour, Fleur
Diggle, Dedalus
Doge, Elphias
Dumbledore, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian
Dumbledore, Aberforth
Figg, Arabella Doreen
Fletcher, Mundungus
Granger, Hermione
Hagrid, Rubeus
Jones, Hestia
Lupin, Remus John
McGonagall, Minerva
Maxime, Olympe
Moody, Alastor
Podmore, Sturgis
Shacklebolt, Kingsley
Snape, Severus
Tonks, Andrómeda
Tonks, Nymphadora
Tonks, Ted
Vance, Emmeline
Weasley, Arthur
Weasley, Bill
Weasley, Fred
Weasley, George
Weasley, Charlie
Weasley, Molly
Weasley, Ron
the information is by eldiccionario.org and wikipedia
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