the principals music`s of the music clasics are:
in the barroco:

in the barroco:
- Johan Sebastian Bach(1685 - 1750)
- antonio vivaldi(1678-1741)
in the clasic:
- Ludwig van Beethoven(1770 - 1827)
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(1756 - 1791)
in the Romanticism:
- Fredéric Chopin(1810 - 1849)
- Johan Strauss (Hijo)1825 - 1899)
- Giuseppe Verdi(1813 - 1901)
Naturally there are more composers but not them and put by that I do not know them
-Beethoven: this compositor was deaf, WhichWho sews does that he is one of the best composers.

-mozart: he was the children prodigy of the clasic music, he is the autor of the: las bodas de figaro, la flauta magica and don giovanni
-verdi: the more famous works are: aida, nabucco, la traviata and the trovador.
-vivaldi: is the autor of the: las cuatro estaciones
the information of cortesy of the cultura
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