Saturday, March 10, 2007

the fallas

the party of fallas is of valencia(spain) this party in valencia was very popular the one that was ignited on the Municipal policeman and that was using as guide the sailors in the night.

the party of falla is the party much festive and juvenil of valencia.

Every year there reach Valencia about seven hundred faults, between(among) the commissions big and infantile, which are an object of worship and visit on the part of the Valencian ones and the visitors who come to Valencia of all parts of the world to live and to enjoy the holiday(party) up to the arrival of the cremá, on March 19, day in which these grand monuments disappear between(among) the flames. The fire, the "mascletaes", the castles of fireworks and the popular participation they do of this holiday one of the biggest of the planet, which is celebrated also in other points of the province and of the Community, as Sagunto, Denia, Gandía and Burriana, between(among) great others.

information for cortesy of

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