Tuesday, October 31, 2006


the party of halloween: the primer in celebrity his party was the celtas the party formerly the celebration was dedicated to Samhain its God of deads and his moment the druidas speake with deads

Monday, October 23, 2006

family guy

father of family is one been unidense the protagonist they are: lois, peter, chris, stiwe, brian and meg hi family is crazy family.it tells to the history of an American family and its familiar problems

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


in this book victoria and kirtash they go away to the Earth kirtash makes partly to protect partly to Victory and so that gerde(is requested recarnacion of its God seventh jack however remains in idhun to be able to stop the massacre that this causing the arrival of the Gods, that they look for seventh for to lock up to him

The princep alsan of vanisar it returns to assume the reign of its town.

Gerde is the recarnation of seventh god.

Laura Gallego Garcia: she is the author of triologia of Memories of idhun: the resistance, triada and pantheon the cronicas of the tower: the valley of the wolves, the curse of the teacher and the call of deads, the leyend of the king errant, the colectionist the extraordinary clocks and finis mundi

Laura was born in quart of poblet in valence with catorze years to write and I gain the prize varco of steam with its novel finis mundi