Wednesday, April 30, 2008


to/die/for is a band of gothic metal. of the city of kouvola, finlandia

in 1993 the group want formed a band of hard rock for the name of Mary-Ann because in 1999 cambied of style for gothic metal also cambied the name of group for to/die/for


Jarno Perätalo - Vocals

Antti-Matti "Antza" Talala - Guitars
Joonas Koto - Guitars
Josey Strandman - bass
Santtu Lonka - drums

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

World Book Day

today is a World Book Day
the procedens of this day is because the death of the writer Miguel de Cervantes, William Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
the capital World Book Day is madrid


Sunday, April 20, 2008


Their origins are remotan to the year of 1997 with a called project Sense Condolence. This alignment this formed by Duan Marie in the voice, Vlad Landeros in the keyboards, a year lasted the band with this name, but very important songs were born like: Vampire, Sense Condolence, Santa Agoni'a, History of Terror, Necrofilia and many more. For 1998 the band changes further on of name to Transdellic (Trans =; Visible Dellos =) what uniting it means them beyond the visible thing. It is possible to emphasize in that time the valuable participation and matchless friendship of "Jimmy Gallozo" (Battery). During this period the band recorded its first called Demo Weeping of Freedom. Already for year 2000, the band decides to make debut with the name of Anabantha in the disc Tribute to Lucifer, where they interpret the Déjate song To be. A year later they compose and they record Dry Leaves, Estigmas, Ay at night and Blood among others. In this stage Vlad Landeros it takes possession from the battery. Of this alignment, it is born in the 2001 its first official disc, call Litanies Chapter I, created in a single night. In the 2002, some musicians decide to leave the band definitively. This metamorphosis of Anabantha (Duan and Vlad) had as result the disc titled Without Saying Good bye with songs like: Ice talisman, Angel, Wreck Heart, Paradises and Nocturnal. In the 2003 it is begun to write and to record demo of "Litanies Chapter II" with songs like: Crucifícame, Possession, Espasmos of the Poison. In 2004 they record its "Acoustic" Demo disc, with songs like; It leaves Vú, To disappear, the Twilight, the Flower, Spring, plus some tributes to the poet Pablo Neruda: Poem no. 20, and Sexual Water and to damn poet Lovecraft: The Being Under the Light of the Moon. In 2005 he already is indeed when the recording of its disc "Without Saying Good bye" begins that has the peculiarity of being published a first as disc of promotion with 9 subjects and as later a double disc (Spanish and English). This production contains subjects like: It leaves Vú, Angel of Ice, Talisman, Dawns, To disappear, Paradises, among others; besides to include to cover of the band of setentas Shocking Blue called Never Marry to Railroad Man (Never you marry with a Ferrocarrilero). In that same year Litanies publish his second production in study "Prohibited Chapter", that includes subjects like: The Altar of the Devastating Passions, Ay at night, Blood, You Kill to me, Black Veil, among others. The 2006 have been a year of changes and consolidation for Anabantha. In this year an excellent work with one of the disqueras greatest and recognized of Mexico is made Denver Discs. From this negotiation a new recording of an emblematic disc of Anabantha was made, we talked about to "Litanies Chapter I", in where, besides to improve the original recording and to include classic subjects like: Vampire, Anabantha, Santa Agoni'a and Déjame Ir, include two unpublished subjects: History of Terror and Penance. Also the production is reedited "Litanies Chapter Prohibited" with 2 bonus tracks live, recorded in the Capital Socle in the 2005. In 2007 they made tour by his tenth called anniversary "Anabantha Breaking Silencio of its Wings", with which they passed for the first time by several cities of Latin America in the countries of Mexico, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. Also in this same Anabantha year it removed to shine productions like "Litanies Chapter III", the official CD of "Weeping of Freedom", in addition to its last production in this date, "Litanies Chapter II", that includes subjects like "Crucifícame", "Espasmos of the poison", "Oaths", and a classic subject of the gothic current, "Ghost of the opera". Anabantha has extended in the musical scope, already being known outside Mexico. Next it will remove to his new production, titled "Brothers of blood: The initiation ", where are subjects like" Arms of hurricane "," nocturnal Footpath "," Witch "and" Hopelessness ", among others, and that are sent by poets of all the country; this production will be seeing light in 2008.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


They were born Guayama Puerto Rico, chencho tells on 21 years and maldy counts 23 years, as much similar among them and between its name it is not these two chance is that jovenes are prime brothers. They entered I generate 4 years ago, comensaron as duo chencho and maldy comprised of corillo of reggaeton sex leaving in all the produciones until they removed to the song plan b (plan beyako) that decia but or less asi "plan b q is plan b maldy nails it and I also it small this beyaka and with both simultaneously" (with guelo star) and to all them concert that arrived shouted plan to them b as I title of the song and already adopted the nickname. Chencho father of Jenniachell, of two years of age says that empezo with estremadamente sexual content in its songs because there is it was the money and hiba not to starve... duo that from the beginning was of the hand of dj blass even almost all his first exitos were with rates of dj blass, like forgetting that song that decia "you are not going to me to attribute that son" in dj blass in sandunguero 1 but everything what begins well finishes and blass was said by is dj them shot trambo to the boys of plan b to which this no longer wants to return to work with to chencho in the CD of the killing ones it said to him "creates fame and acusteate to sleep pa that your sees as the chamaquitos remain with the song". But these raperos have participated in many produccionesde which many of the songs that have beaten is: ' ' Amigá', ' ' Your Sabes'', ' ' In the house blancá', ' ' I cannot be without sexó', ' ' All the night chipotezingó', ' ' Guatagatá', ' ' Small Ven'', ' ' Looking for calor'', ' ' I do not want grilletes'', ' ' Raises PáL V.I.P. ' ', ' ' Perriandoté', ' ' My MVP'' girl... Between Many exitos. In the 2002 its dream is fulfilled to remove to its first called CD "the world to them from plan b the q mount it", produced by genius record, Seal that also has apollado them from the beginning Of Its Race, of the CD of plan b stuck all the songs but of but which they sounded they were: ' ' I it tuvé ' that was featuring with great kilo, ' ' mensionando your nombré', ' ' am not going to hope by tí ', ' ' me explotá ' (Featuring Daddy Yankee system), ' ' the Beyaká' Dance, and ' ' Tomb That Guillé ' (Featuring Shaka & Benny). Doubt that Chencho and Maldy are of the favorites of I publish so much in Puerto Rico as internationally and is that Does not fit every time but they are acclaimed by as they mount it in the platform and by humildones that is the chamacos of Guayama. Now BLIN are allowed of BLIN MUSIC, to that they nickname ' ' the babies of blinblin' ' and estan preparing his second producion that took by I title ' ' the babies of blin blin, well relax'', already that segun they the style with which they come in this CD is a mature style but. that del previous disc

Monday, April 14, 2008


today is 14 of april

today for 77 years of the proclamation of the second republica


Serenos y alegresvalientes y osadoscantemos soldadosel himno a la lid.De nuestros acentosel orbe se admirey en nosotros mirelos hijos del Cid.Soldados la patrianos llama a la lid,juremos por ellavencer, vencer o morir.¡Blandamos el hierroque el tímido esclavodel libre, del bravo,la faz no osa ver!Sus huestes cual humoveréis disipadas,y a nuestras espadasfugaces correr.Soldados, la patrianos llama a la lid,¡Juremos por ellavencer o morir!El mundo vio nuncamás noble osadía,ni vio nunca un díamás grande el valor,que aquel que, inflamados,nos vimos del fuegoexcitar a Riegode Patria el amor.Soldados la patrianos llama a la lid,juremos por ellavencer, vencer o morir.Honor al caudillo,honor al primeroque el cívico aceroosó fulminar.La patria afligidaoyó sus acentosy vio sus tormentosen gozo tornar.Soldados, la patrianos llama a la lid,¡Juremos por ellavencer o morir!Su voz fue seguida,su voz fue escuchada,tuvimos en nadasoldados morir.Y osados quisimosromper la cadenaque de afrenta llenadel bravo el vivir.Soldados, la patrianos llama a la lid,¡Juremos por ellavencer o morir!Ya la alarma tocan;las armas tan sóloel crimen, el dolo,podrán abatir.¡Que tiemblen, que tiemblen,que tiemble el malvado,al ver al soldadola lanza esgrimir!Soldados, la patrianos llama a la lid,¡Juremos por ellavencer o morir!La trompa guerrerasus ecos da al viento,horror al sediento,ya ruge el cañona Marte, sañudo,la audacia provocay el ingenio invocade nuestra nación.Soldados la patrianos llama a la lid,juremos por ellavencer, vencer o morir.Se muestran: ¡volemos,volemos, soldados!¿Los veis aterradosla frente bajar?¡Volemos, que el librepor siempre ha sabidoal siervo rendidola frente humillar.


Si los curas y frailes supieran

la paliza que les van a dar,

subirían al coro cantando:

"Libertad, libertad, libertad!"
Si los Reyes de España

supieran lo poco que van a durar

a la calle saldrían gritando:"

¡Libertad, libertad, libertad!"
Un hombre estaba cagando

y no tenía papel

pasó el Rey Alfonso XIIIy se limpió el culo con el

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


the holidays i go to malta, malta is a island, malta is very very beautiful, the people of malta is very religiosos, because malta it was a port of passage for the crossed one that marched to earth santa.

in malta I look Mdina, the island of gozo other island,

the food of malta is very good, i eat every days pasta

the edifications of Malta are very beatufil every olds and magicals