Sunday, April 29, 2007


The region located between the Bojador end and the White end was demanded by Spain in 1884, during the Conference of Berlin. In 1885 it began the construction of Villa Cisneros and the establishment of factories in Gold River and White Bay. The Spaniards followed their advance towards the interior and the north of the Bojador end. Before the frictions with France, a series in agreements in 1900, 1904 and 1920 delimited the areas of influence of both countries, paying attention the North limit of the Western Sahara to the parallel 27º 50.

the problem of sahara is very burden since nobody, or almost nobody to I throw something to avoid it, for my east problem and the one of the migration very is related, since if the Sahara had the sufficient resources to be able to feed its population people would not have because to emigrate. That the international governments instead of supporting absurd wars that support a war, a war against the poverty, the hunger and the governments who do not do more than to look for absurd reasons to demonstrate the power of their arms

Friday, April 27, 2007

this book is of laura gallego garcia (the writer of memories of idhun).

This book is a trilogy:

1-El valley of the wolves: it is first of the trilogy, in this book counts of how It damages leaves its home to enter the school of witchcraft of the tower, there will know fenris, elfo with the gift of being a man wolf, thing that stops is a curse.

2-La curse of the teacher: It damages already to turned teacher of the tower, in this book is counted as she teaches to her apprentices, salamander, Conrado, morderek, Jonás and nawin, in this book also which is counted as Dana Kai and fenris to the teacher of Damages, the cursed a.

3-La call of deads: it counts as It damages is called to cause that the objective by which was born, in this book is fulfilled appears two new students, Iris and Saevin who this call to be the guardian across (the one of deads).

Soon fenris is another called book elfo, in which the history of fenris one of the best friends is narrated of Damages. This book is better than it ***reflxes mng before the mentioned ones above or later.

This book I recommend the people whom it likes books of fantasy, since her writer is one of the best Spanish writers of fantastic Literature.

Other books of the same writer:

- finis mundi

- the tare daughters

- memories of idhun: the resistance, triada and pantheon

- the legend of the nomadic king

- the collector of extraordinary clocks.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Jesucirsto y socrates

Sócrates and Jesus Christ has many things in common.
-as much Jesus as Sócrates was considered people enigmatic by its contemporaries.
-neither its message wrote.
-Both they were masterful in the art to talk.
-Both they spoke with a self-sufficiency that fascinated e it irritated.
-Both they thought that they spoke in name of something much greater than they themselves.
-Both they defied to the powerful ones of the society.
-Both they could have suplicado mercy at the time of to die and thus to have saved.
-Both they thought that they had a vocation that would be betrayed if they had not gone until the end.
-Both with its deaths they reunited many but faithful ones that in its life

Monday, April 02, 2007

yo robot

this film are inspirated of the book yo robot of Isaac Asimov
the protagonist of this film is the detective Spooner Will Smith, this men hates to robots.

in this film he have that to demonstrate that the robots are bad when dies the scientist Alfred Lanning and friend of this one.

spooner knows to a robot that has can act without having to obey three laws.